That being said, the GameSetWatch link was based on my last post about Ikariam. Unfortunately, I think I'm finished with it. For good. Last time I posted that I could see the beginning of the end. Well, that day has come. I can't foresee logging into my account and checking on my miniature Yamagata town anymore. It was a pleasant diversion, and I took great pride in sneaking in this game at work, but it's been replaced by something much bigger and better. Grander, even. The replacement is: Civilization 3.
For those of you who don't know, the Civilization series of games are turn-based strategy games in which you try to cultivate an empire from 4000 B.C. to the modern age and beyond. The game is highly customizable, and no 2 games will ever be alike. And I've absolutely fallen in love with it. Much to the chagrin of my girlfriend, I actually proposed to Civ 3 last night, but she said no, citing my amateurish civ-building ability.
At any rate, Civ 3 has grabbed me by the throat and is strangling me ever-so-slowly, turn by turn. I remember watching a friend play Civ 3 in college, and not really getting it. (What does it mean that I love video games enough to watch someone else play a turn-based strategy game?) But now, I get it. I totally see how the Civ series could have invented the phrase, "just one more turn." I'm still on my first play through, with just 1 of the 31 available civilizations, and I think I put in at least 10 hours this weekend alone. I can't stop. I always want to see my civilization grow just a little bit more, or research that next technological advance, or try to annihilate an entire country.
What I think is the beauty of Civ, the pure and utter genius of Sid Meier, is how the game provides you with constant feedback and updates. And I mean constantly. Every turn, a city will produce a new unit, or you'll need to decide what unit to create, or a new technology will be discovered and totally change your strategy, or another civilization will declare war on you. The list goes on and on. This game is so deep, I don't think I'll ever fully comprehend it. Surprisingly, I like that, unlike Brawl, where I'm annoyed that I will forever remain a novice fighter. Civ 3 constantly lets you know that you are advancing. It's very rewarding, and you really feel like you are in control of an entire culture.
I absolutely love it. I just need some way to curtail my adoption of this new hobby. Playing Civilization is almost a lifestyle unto itself. Stay tuned. I already have a couple more ideas brewing for posts about this amazing game.
The obvious question is: why not Civ IV?
Very good question. I guess I forgot to mention that in the post. I actually started trying out Civ II, because I thought it was the newest Civ my computer could handle. My laptop's over 5 years old, and has a terrible graphics card and very little RAM.
But on a whim, I decided to try out Civ III, just to see if it works. And it did. I'd love to play Civ IV, and I plan to buy it as soon as I get a new computer. But right, the system specs are way too high for me. Hopefully in a few months, I'll have a new computer.
New Pc you say?
Intel's i5 chips are out.
199 for the chip
another 50-100 for mobo
another 50-100 for ram
You can build a system for as low as 350 dollars.
Chip Spec :
i5 = quad core 2.66mhz
I buy mine from newegg.com
good luck.
I have to be honest, although the graphics are better, I never found Civ IV as interesting as III. I still play once in a blue moon, and love the way it makes you feel like a god. Or if you prefer, you can set it to automatic and fight your fights.
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